Join Our Community
Newark Academy Fund Parent Ambassador
Newar Academy Fund Parent Ambassador’s have the opportunity to communicate directly with NA’s
parents, explain how crucial our annual giving campaign, The Newark Academy Fund, is to the school, make personal connections and serve as liaison’s between the parents and the Advancement Office. Contact Erica Berger at to volunteer.
VolunteerAlumni Reunion Ambassador
Newark Academy’s Reunion Ambassadors are an important part of the school’s efforts to engage alumni and ensure every class is well represented at Reunion. A Reunion Ambassador serves as a liaison between the Office of Institutional Advancement and Newark Academy Alumni, sharing information and updates regarding their class’s reunion and other NA happenings. Contact Erica Berger at to volunteer.
VolunteerLeadership Opportunities
Board of Trustees:
Alumni Board of Governors:
Alumni Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer your time and talents as a guest speaker, mentor, event host and more! Contact Evan Nisenson at to volunteer.
VolunteerStay Connected
Join with fellow alumni and parents and connect to your community! We offer plenty of opportunities to see familiar faces, learn new skills, network, and find career opportunities.